As I continue to teach on hearing God’s voice,
which I believe we need to do more than ever in this time of trouble and
uncertainty in the world, I want to share a condensed version of Chapter 7 from my first book, Picture
Perfect, which talks about testing what we have heard to see if it is
really from God or not.
In 1212 a French shepherd boy by the name of Stephen
of Cloyes claimed that Jesus had appeared to him disguised as a pilgrim.
Supposedly, Jesus instructed him to take a letter to the king of France.
poor, misguided boy told everyone he saw about what he thought he had
encountered. Before long he had gathered a large following of more than thirty
thousand children who accompanied him on his pilgrimage.
As Philip
Schaff records it, when asked where they were going, they replied, "We
go to God, and seek for the holy cross beyond the sea." They reached
Marseilles, but the waves did not part and let them go through dry-shod as they
It was at
Marseilles that tragedy occurred. The children met two men, Hugo Ferreus and
William Porcus. The men claimed to be so impressed with the calling of the
children that they offered to transport them across the Mediterranean in seven
ships without charge. What the children did not know was that the two men were
slave traders.
children boarded the ships and the journey began, but instead of setting sail
for the Holy Land they set course for North Africa, where they were sold as
slaves in the Muslim markets that did a large business in the buying and
selling of human being.
Few if any
returned. None ever reached the Holy Land. Two cunning men enjoyed enormous
financial profits simply because they were willing to sacrifice the lives of
thousands of children.
This sad story was taken from, ‘Family Survival in the American Jungle’ by Steve Farrar (1991,
Multnomah Press, Page 60-61), dramatically
reveals to us the importance of correctly discerning if any apparent guidance,
whether audible or visual, is from the Lord or from other, more dubious,
In this case,
the angel that appeared to Stephen was of demonic origin. I can categorically
state this because this guidance led Steven and thousands more children into a
web of deception and eventually into a lifetime of bondage. Also, the goal
of seeking a holy cross is not within the arrow of God’s eagle-like vision!
As we
shall see, God’s will never call us into such situations and He enables us to
practically distinguish between His godly guidance and other, destructive,
forms of guidance.
Understanding what God does call us to will help us avoid what He does
not call us to. All the voices we hear and think maybe God must be
tested. Are they from God or our emotions or from the enemy?
I did an
extensive search through Scripture to see what we have been called to as God’s
children. Knowing this will help us avoid forms of guidance that we can
forecast will lead us into anything else but God’s way.
following seven areas show us what we are called to according to Scripture, and
how knowing each area will give us practical tests in discerning if any guidance
is from God or not.
1. The Fellowship
"God is faithful, by
whom you were called into the
fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:9
calling will always lead us into greater fellowship with Him and His people. The
Greek word used here for ‘fellowship’
is ‘koinonia’, which means ‘participation,
social intercourse or communication’. If we think we’ve heard God call us
into a situation where it will be detrimental to our participation, social
intercourse or communication with Him and His people, then we’ve not heard
properly and this is not His calling.
I have
watched on in agony as many people I know convince themselves that God is
calling them out away from the ministry and into secular work due to rough
circumstances. Now, I’m not saying that God will never do such a thing, but in
the cases that I have witnessed it was eventually clear that this was not God’s
call, as they later fell away in their relationship with the Lord and His
God’s true
calling will lead people into a more passionate relationship with Him and His
body, the Church.
2. The Liberty Test.
"For you, brethren,
have been called to liberty; only do
not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one
another." Galatians 5:13
calling always leads us into true liberty. There will never be a negative sense
of internal bondage in going according to God's call, unless we are walking in
the right direction with a wrong attitude.
What I
mean by this is that it is possible to hear God’s call and respond to it but
allow our flesh life to control us so that we get frustrated or stressed out in
doing His will.
Some people feel that
taking on too many responsibilities will bring them into greater bondage, but
the reality Is that the responsibilities God calls us to will bring us great
inner freedom, and lead others to true freedom too.
3. The Peace Test
let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one
body; and be thankful." Colossians 3:15
His calling
is always one that brings shalom peace. This peace is the peace of God and not
our own. It is a supernatural peace that surpasses all our human understanding.
Unfortunately the phrase, “I have
great peace about this” has been misused by many Christians who are trying
to convince themselves and others that a course of action, that they really want
to follow in their own flesh, is from the Lord.
The word
for ‘rule’ in the above verse can
also be interpreted as ‘referee’. It
comes from the Greek word ‘brabeus’
which means ‘an umpire, one who judges in
public games’. The peace of God in us is like a football referee. When a
referee blows his whistle in a certain way, we know that there has been a foul
and play should stop. Again, if he blows the whistle in another way, we know
play can resume.
4. The Life Test
"Fight the good fight
of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have
confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1
Timothy 6:12
God calls
us to have a quality of life called ‘eternal life’ and indeed to lay
hold on this. His calling will cause us to come alive with this supernatural
life. It will cause us to feel more alive and clearer in ourselves as to His
life in us (‘it’s no longer I that live,
but Christ that lives in me’ – Galatians 2:20).
‘Eternal life’ is not the same as ‘temporal life’ (our own human
soulish life). We need to mature such that we recognize what His ‘eternal’ life is and what our own ‘temporal’ life is.
Jesus said He came to bring abundant life to us. This is His very own quality
of life. In every decision that we make there is His ‘pathway of life’ available to us:
“You will show me the pathway of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your
right hand are pleasures forever more”. Psalm 16:11
5. The Holiness Test
"For God did not call
us to uncleanness, but in (unto) holiness." 1 Thessalonians 4:7
God always
calls us to greater purity. His calling should lead to a greater level of
holiness, of separation unto Him. If the so-called 'call' does not lead into greater holiness, then it is not from
If you
feel God is calling you into a particular course of action ask yourself, “Does it cause me to live a purer life? Does
it challenge me to be more like Christ and separate myself more to Him?” If
the answer is ‘Yes’ then this could
well be the direction God is leading you in.
6. The Blessing Test
“..not returning evil for
evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you
were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing." 1 Peter 3:8-9
As the
call to Abraham was to be a blessing (see Genesis 12:1-3), so is our call. We
must ask whether the direction we feel God is leading us in leads to blessing
for others or not. He always draws us out beyond ourselves to be a channel of
blessing. In whatever we do we must ask ourselves, ‘Does this course of action bring blessing to others?’
Every day the Lord loads us
with blessings that are to be used for His kingdom purposes – to bless those
around us we are called to. We need to see ourselves as Postmen and Post women.
God loads
us with His ‘holy mail’, some has our
own name and address on them, but most will have the name and address of others
on them. His ‘holy mail’ will contain
no bills, trash, or hate mail, only words, deeds and resources that will bless,
encourage, and motivate others into His purposes for their lives.
7. The Suffering Test
"For what credit is it
if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do
good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. For
to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an
example, that you should follow His steps:"1 Peter 2:20-21
This test
must not be misunderstood. The word 'suffering'
comes from the Greek word 'pascho'
where we get the term ‘passion’. It
means going through certain hardships or allowing certain things that go
against the flesh to happen for the sake of Jesus. In old English if one said 'suffer it to be so' it meant to allow
something to happen, as it was the best course. Just as Jesus’ calling led Him
down the pathway of suffering, so will our calling. After all, we are called to
partake in the suffering of Christ (2 Corinthians 1:5-7) and if we want to be
joint heirs with Him then we must suffer with Him (Romans 8:17).
note that this is not suffering for any wrong we do, which could be termed ‘corrective suffering’, but it is
suffering precisely because we do what is right – it is ‘Christ like suffering’. It is suffering His will to be done in
our lives. I am not saying that unless we are always suffering then we’re
not in the Will of God. What I am saying is that if our ‘call’ is very comfortable without any hardship and suffering at
all then it cannot be a true call from God!
In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Paul says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that
the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Scripture instructs us as to the right way we should go in our life and equips
us to do those good works that we have been prepared beforehand to do. Does the
course of action you are considering agree with the overall counsel of God's
word - the Bible? In all the above tests the underlying test must always be
that it agrees with the Word of God. Even if it passes all seven tests
above but it is not a Scriptural course of action then it must be rejected.
This obviously means that we must ‘let the Word of God dwell’ in us ‘richly’.
The more we really know of the whole counsel of God’s Word, the wiser and more
accurate will be our life decisions.
Implementing all these seven tests with the underlying test of God’s Word will help us keep on track with the Lord. He constantly desires to show us His way forward and invite us on in tangible ways, but we need to distinguish His high, holy and heavenly calling from worldly, fleshy or demonic callings that will lead us far from outworking His purposes in our lives.
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